There are several ways to download one image or more than one. Most images are available to purchase and download instantly from our ETSY store:
In addition, images are available to purchase directly from this site. Send an email to and request one or more images. Include your email address and any special requests. We will send an Invoice to you, which will include instructions for payment. After payment, we will send a link for you to download the images. For some requests, we can list your desired images on our ETSY site where you can then purchase them and receive an immediate download. In that case we will add the ETSY fee to the list price. We can also arrange to print an image or edit it to your specifications and mail the original to you. In all cases, we’ll communicate through our email address Allow a reasonable period of time for response as each request is handled personally and individually!
Following are images grouped by related subject matter as shown in collage format. Choose one or more images, or the entire collage, for purchase. Send your request to Allow reasonable period of time for response as each request is handled personally!
Christmas and Santa……………………………………………………

Covers and more from Vintage Women’s Magazines

New York City then and now…………………………………

DOGS all sizes…………………………………………………………………..

Religion and Churches……………………………………………………………